Watercolor nudes
#1 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 6 by 12 inches. Price negotialble.
#11 Watercolor by Gutow; Nude painted in the studio in Chicago, IL 2023. 22 by 15 inches. $400
#10 Watercolor by Gutow; Nude painted in the studio in Chicago, IL 2023. 25 by 20 inches. $700
#15 Watercolor life study by Gutow rendered in China 2010. Nude Long mei yen #1, 21”-15”, 53-38.cm $600.
#19 Watercolor life study by Gutow rendered in China 2008. Nude # 2, 15”-21”, 38-53cm $500.
#25 Watercolor life study by Gutow rendered in China 2009. Nude # 3, 21”-15”, 53-38cm $600.
#26 Watercolor life study by Gutow rendered in China 2009. Nude Long mei yen # 2, 15”-21”, 38-53.cm $600.
#27 Watercolor by Gutow Life study rendered in China 2009. Nude # 3, 21”-15”, 53-38cm $500.
#156 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Maussla, Montana life study year unknown. Nude # 1, 30”-20”, 76-51cm $500. (2)
#157 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study late 1990's. Nude # 2, 20”-30”, 51-76cm $500.
#158 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study 90's or 2000's. Nude # 3, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $400.
#159 Watercolor by Gutow rendered at Truman College Chicago life study. 1988. Nude # 4 Green Eyes, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#160 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in USA life study unknown year. Nude # 5, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#161 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in the USA life study year unknown. Nude # 6, 15”-22”, 38-56cm $500.
#164 Watercolors by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study late 199o's. Figure # 1 Ballerina, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#163 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study late 1990's. Nude # 8, 15”-22”, 38-56cm $500.
#162 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Chicago life study 1989 Nude # 7, 20.5”-12.5”, 52-32cm $500.
#165 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study 1990's. Nude # 9, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $450.
#166 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in Missoula, Montana 1990's. . Nude # 10, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $450.
#167 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in the USA year unknown. Nude # 11, 15”-22”, 38-56cm $400.
#171 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in Missoula, Montana late 1990's early 2000's. Nude # 15, 15”-22”, 38-56cm $500.
#172 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in the USA year unknown. Nude # 16, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#173 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in Missoula, Montana late 1990's early 2000's. Nude # 17, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $400.
#174 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered in the USA year unknown. Nude # 18, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $400.
#175 Watercolor by Gutow life study rendered at Truman College 1988. Nude # 19, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $400.
#177 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study year unknown. Nude # 21, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#179 Watercolor bny Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study year unknown. Nude # 23, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#180 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Missoula, Montana life study late 19990's. Nude # 14, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $375.
#181 Watercolor by Gutow in the USA life study year unknown. . Nude # 25, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#184 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in the USA life study year unknown. Nude # 28, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $400.
#185 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in Slate Creek, Idaho life study 1999. Nude # 29, 20”-14.5”, 51-37cm $400.
#186 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in the USA life study year unknown. Nude # 30, 21”-15”, 53.5-38cm $400.
#187 Watercolor by Gutow rendered in the USA life study year unknown. Nude # 31, 22”-15”, 56-38cm $500.
#2 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 12 by 6 inches. Price negotialble.
#3 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 12 by 6 inches. Price negotialble.
#4 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 12 by 6 inches. Price negotialble.
#5 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 6 by 12 inches. Price negotialble.
#6 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 11 by 15 inches. Price negotiable.
#7 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 16 by 12 inches. Price negotiable.
#8 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 18 by 12 inches. Price negotiable.
#9 India Ink quick sketch by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2023 live. 22 by 15 inches. Price negotiable.
#12 Watercolor by Gutow, figure painted live in, Chicago 2024 $500.
#13 Watercolor by Gutow rendered live in Chicago 2024, 25 by 20 inches. $500
#15 Watercolor by Gutow, live model session rendered in Chicago. 2024. 16 by 12 inches. Make me an offer.
#22 Watercolor by Gutow live session in Chicago 2024. 22 by 15 inches. $500.
#23 Ink wash by Gutow live session in Chicago 2024 Quick wash. 12 by 9 inches. Make an offer.
#25 Ink wash by Gutow live session in Chicago 2024. 22 by 9 inches. Make an offer.
#24 Ink quick wash by Gutow rendered live in Chicago 2024. 15 by 22 inches. Make me an offer.
#26 India ink by Gutow live session in Chicago 2024. 22 by 9 inches. Make an offer.
#27 Ink wash by Gutow rendered in Chicago 2024. 11 by 15 inches. Make an offer.