Watercolors Rendered in Chicago 2020, 21, 22, 23, 24
#1 brush and India ink by Gutow rendered on location 2022, South East side Chicago, #40; 18 by 12 inches. $400.
#2 Brush and India Ink by Gutow. rendered on location 2022. Bahai Temple india ink and brush by Gutow #36; 15 by 22 inches. $500.
#3 Brush and ink by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2022. #43; 18 by 12 inches. $500.
#4 Brush and ink by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2022. From China Town, 12 by 18 inches. $500.
#5 Brush and Ink by Gutow. rendered on location in Chicago 2022. Bahai Temple india ink and brush by Gutow #37; 15 by 22 inches. $500.
#6 India ink and brush by Gutow rendered on location 2022. Old Chicago 1; #41; 12 by 18 inches. $500.
#7 India ink and brush, by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2022. The Bridge, #42; 18 by 12 inches. $500.
#7 India ink and brush, by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2022. The Bridge, #42; 18 by 12 inches. $500. SOLD
#9 Water color by Gutow. Rendered on location 2020. $400. Calumet River Chicago
#10 Water color paper by Gutow, Chicago near south side rail bridge, 16-12 inches. Rendered on location 2020. $500.
#11 Water color paper by Gutow, Chicago near south side bridge, #2, 12-16 inches. Rendered on location 2020. $400. (2)
#12 Water color paper by Gutow, Chicago near south side bridge, 16-12 inches. Rendered on location 2020. $400. (2)
#13 Water color paper by Gutow rendered on location, Chicago near south side bridge, 12-16 inches (2) $400
#14 Watercolor by Gutow rendered from photo 2020. #6; Chicago Rail Road Bridge, Structure; 18 by 24 inches. $500. (2)
#15 Watercolor by Gutow. Chicago Sky Way, Calumet River. #25; 14 by 22 inches. Rendered on location 2021. $500.
#16 Watercolor and ink by Gutow from photo rendered 2021. S.E. Chicago, Calumet River, 18 by 24 inches. $500.
#17 Gifted! Watercolor and ink by Gutow rendered 2021. S.E. Chicago, Calumet River, #30; 18 by 24 inches. GIFTED
#18 Watercolor and ink by Gutow Rendered on location in the South East side of Chicago 2022. #39; 12 by 18 inches. $500.
#19 Watercolor bu Gutow rendered on location in the south east side of Chicago 2020. #12; 16 by 22 inches. $450.
#20 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in the south east side of Chicago 2020 . 18 by 24 inches. $600.
#21 Watercolor by Gutow rendered from photo 2020. R&R Bridge & Chicago Skyway; 18 by 26 inches. $385.
#22 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2020. #10; 11 by 14 inches. $500.
#23 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2020. #20; 18 by 24 inches. #450.
#24 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021, Chicago River Bridges, #28; 18 by 14 inches. $500.
#25 Watercolor by Gutow rendered from photo 2021, S. E. Chicago; Abandonment, 12 by 18 inches. $475.
#26 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021, South Branch of the Chicago River, near China Town, #26; 15 by 21 inches. $475.
#27 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. S. E. Side Chicago, IL Bridge over Calumet River. #23; 15 by 22 inches. $450.
#28 Watercolor by Gutow rendered from photo's in Chicago 2021. #13; 12 by 16 inches. $500.
#29 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. #14; ; 94TH E Ewing, Chicago; 11` by 15 inches. $475.
#30 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. #15, S.E. Chicago. Calumet River. 11 by 15 inches. $475.
#31 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. #16;, S.E. Chicago Calumet River; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#32 Watercolor by Gutow rendered from photo in Chicago 2021. #18; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#33 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2021. #20; 12 by 20 inches. $500.
#34 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on Location in Chicago 2021. Calumet River, #22; 15 by 22 inches. $400.
#35 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2021. Calumet River, #32; 18 by 24 inches. $500.
#36 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. Chicago River looking north quick wash, #7; 12 by 20 inches. $500.
#37 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. Chicago River, #21; 20 by 14 inches. $450.
#38 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021. Chicago. #29. 18 by 24 inches. $500.
#39 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location in Chicago 2021; 94TH E Ewing, SCHLITZ, #34; 15 by 11 inches. $400.
#40 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2021; Schlitz, S,E, Chicago, #33; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#43 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2022. China Town, Chicago. #44; 12 by 18 inches. $500.
#45 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2022. Old Chicago 2. Quick wash. #41; 18 by 12 inches. $400.
#46 Watercolor by Gutow rendered on location 2022. State Line, Chicago looking out to Indiana #38; 14 by 22 inches. $400.
#47 Watercolor by Gutow, rendered on location in the S.E. Chicago. Calumet River. 18 by 24 inches. $500.
#48 Watercolor by Gutow. Chicago Skyway, South east side #5; Rendered on location 2020. 18 by 24 inches. $500.
#49 Watercolor by Gutow. Electret Hum #31. 18 by 24 inches. Rendered on location in Chicago 2021. $500.
#50 Watercolor by Gutow. rendered on location 2021. #17; Chicago S. E. side Sky Way Nationhood; 15 by 11` inches. $400.
#52 Watercolor open air by Gutow rendered on location 2022, Near Chicago South Side; 24 by 18 inches. $450.
#54 Watercolor open air by Gutow rendered 2021 at Caldwell Woods Chicago; 16 by 12 inches, $400.
#55 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #1; 18 24 inches. $400.
#56 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #2; 15 by 11 inches. $300.
#57 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #3; 15 by 11 inches. $300.
#57 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #3; 15 by 11 inches. $300.
#58 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #4; 16 by 12 inches; $300.
#59 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #6; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#60 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #7; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#61 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL 2021 Summer, #8; 11 by 15 inches. $400.
#62 Watercolors open air by Gutow rendered 2020., Caldwell Woods, Chicago, IL Summer, #5; 15 by 11 inches. $300.
#73 SOLD Watercolor by Gutow painted on location Sept. 2022 in St. Charles, IL. 15 by 23 inches.
#74 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location 2022 Sept. in St, Charles IL. Fox River; 23 by 15 inches. $500.
#74 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location 2022 Sept. in St, Charles IL. Fox River; 23 by 15 inches. $500.
#76 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location Sept. 2022 in St. Charles, IL 12 by 18 inches, $400.
#78 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago Fall 2022. $300
#79 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location 2022. 24 by 18 inches. $500
#80 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago 2023. 15 by 20 inches. Make an offer.
#81 Watercolor by Gutow, rendered in Chicago 2022 from a photo. 26 by 20 inches. $325
#82 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago, Calumet River. 15 by 22 inches $500
#83 Watercolor by Gutow painted in Chicago 2023 on location. 15 by 22 inches. $350
#84 Watercolor by Gutow painted in Chicago 2023. 20 by 15 inches. $400
#85 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago 2023. 20 by 15 inches. $350
#86 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Calumet River Chicago 2023. 15 by 20 inches. $480
#87 Watercolor by Gutow on location in Chicago 2023. 20 by 15 inches. $450
#88 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Woodstock, IL. 15 by 20 inches. $425
#89 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location Joliet, IL. #1; 2023. 22 by 15 inches. $500
#90 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location Joliet, IL. #2; 2023. 22 by 15 inches. $500
#91 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago, 2023 15 by 21 inches. $475
#92 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in Chicago, IL 2023. 20 by 15 inches. $500
#93 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in The Fox River Valley 2023. 15 by 20 inches. $500
#94 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in the Fox River Valley 2023. 15 by 22 inches. Gifted.
#111 Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in the Fox River Valley 2023. 12 by 10 inches $400.
Watercolor by Gutow painted on location in the Fox River Valley 2024. 15 by 22 inches. Gifted.